Logos and Landings

Creating new logos, UI/UX designs and landing pages are a fast-growing fascination of mine. Thankfully, working within Adobe Illustrator and XD is a joy—everything is fast, fluid and vector-based. So, when I was asked to work on landing page and logo projects, I was ready and willing.

For the ORBCOMM landing pages and initiatives, I designed new layouts, logos, themes and styles to better optimise our conversions and reduce user frustration.

The AOS logo was created for AAC Clyde Space AB—a leading New Space company—that entered a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate with ORBCOMM and Saab to develop the next generation of global maritime communication services based on a VHF Data Exchange System (VDES). The goal of the consortium is to create a global maritime communication network enabling ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication everywhere on the globe. The consortium is collaborating under a new brand named AOS.


A Simple Solution

